Sunday, March 11, 2007

Poor, neglected blog

I have a confession to make. Sometimes I forget that I have a blog. Maybe you're not surprised to hear that.

Anyway, it's not like nothing has been happening. I just haven't been writing about it here. I've been busy. I've even finished some books and started others. Maybe I'll check out this new easier template stuff on the new blogger and see if I can update my reading list.

My husband and I went to a conference in Kansas City a couple of weeks ago. That was fun. We even got to eat pizza with Andrew, Terry, and Josh, our favorite KC residents.

The conference was called M7 (short for Mission 2007) and was sponsored by the USA/Canada division of the International Church of the Nazarene. There were around 4,000 people there, a much smaller venue than the General Assemblies that happen every four years. There were 240 workshops being offered in six time slots. It was difficult to choose six out of the 240, but I was pleased with the workshops I attended. The key words in their descriptions were either "spiritual formation" or "emergent".

I shared my four points for worship from my last entry with someone. That person noted that I am on my way to having an outline for a bestselling book.


I'm three points short of a full acronym. Maybe I'll conduct a contest to come up with the other three points. Tell you what. I'll give the winner 5% of my take off the bestseller when it comes out. Of course, if you have the other three points, you can simply add my four points to them and write the book yourself and keep 100% of the profit -- after tithe and taxes. (I presume that one of the points might have to do with giving and that tithing the proceeds of the book would be sort of a given.)

I'll pass on the notes I brought away from one of the workshops. They actually had nothing at all to do with the workshop. I copied them off the back of a t-shirt worn by a college student sitting a few rows in front of me.

Top Ten Reasons Why Dr. Martin Is the "New" Chuck Norris
10. He can watch 60 minutes in 20 seconds.
9. He knows the exact location of Carmen Sandiego.
8. He counted to infinity. Twice.
7. He doesn't wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
6. He knows the last digit of pi.
5. He can divide by zero.
4. He doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
3. He can win a game of Connect Four in three moves.
2. He can judge a book by its cover.
1. If at first you don't succeed you're not Dr. Dan Martin.

I do not know the identity of Dr. Dan Martin. Actually, I only know the identity of Chuck Norris because someone told me. I'm not sure I've ever seen him. I do know who Carmen Sandiego is but don't know her current location.

Anyway, I'm quite impressed by this list. Counting to infinity -- twice. Now THAT is an accomplishment.



Nate Pruitt said...

That might help you find out a little more about MVNU's new President, Dr. Dan Martin.

I didn't know what university he was at until I looked it up, myself.

And we got the gift you sent in the midst of that trip. Thank you very much! The "card" was fine, too. "grin"

Marsha Lynn said...

Glad to hear the package arrived, Nate. Thanks for saving me the trouble of googling Dr. Martin.

Anonymous said...

How about....
Holy and
Think that might help you out on the acronym?
It was nice to hear you enjoyed M7, and that's quite the shirt you took notes on.
God Bless
Matt Upshaw

Marsha Lynn said...

Thanks for the suggestions, Matt. What is the difference between sacred and holy?

Actually, as I tried to remember your suggestions one day I came up with some other ideas. Here's my latest version:


Now, you'll have to excuse me while I go write our new bestseller.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, good call on the difference between sacred and holy. Happy to hear you figured the rest of them out.
God Bless